Nume si prenume | Luni | Marti | Miercuri | Joi | Vineri | Telefon programari |
Dr. Csillag Andreea | 10:00-15:00 | 13:00-18:00 | 10:00-15:00 | 13:00-18:00 | 08:00-15:00 | 0269-21.78.10 |
Dr. Csillag Andreea
- primary doctor in allergology
- dermato-venereology specialist doctor
- dermato-venereology specialist doctor
An allergy is an unusual reaction of the body to small particles around us, which normally should not hurt us. Being allergic nowadays is part of our everyday life, almost no one has ever heard of allergies.
The allergology office within the Pediatric Clinical Hospital Sibiu has the necessary equipment for the investigation, diagnosis, prophylaxis, treatment, monitoring and complex education of patients with allergic diseases.
The allergology office within the Pediatric Clinical Hospital Sibiu has the necessary equipment for the investigation, diagnosis, prophylaxis, treatment, monitoring and complex education of patients with allergic diseases.
What kind of conditions do we deal with?
- Allergic rhinitis, allergic rhinosinusitis
- Allergic conjunctivitis
- Urticaria and angioedema
- Atopic dermatitis; Contact dermatitis
- Asthma
- Food allergies
- Reactions to insect bites (bee venom and wasp venom)
- Drug reactions
What investigations can be carried out in our office?
-prick skin tests on environmental aeroallergens (dust, pollen, animal hair), on food
-patch tests on cosmetics, metals, latex
-intradermal skin tests
-serum dosage Ig E specific mixed pediatric panel (aeroallergens and food)
-simple spirometry and branhomotor test
-peak flowmetry
What treatments are performed?
-prophylactic counseling
-specific treatment depending on the condition
-immunotherapy with standardized vaccines